We can transform a small or outdated bathroom into a Zen-like refuge where you'll find joy relaxing and unwinding after a long day.
There are so many things that you can do to take your bathroom to the next level. As we go through the design process together, you’ll start to realize the endless possibilities of creating your own personal refuge in the privacy of your home.
From a Jack and Jill, to separate kids-and-grownups-, to individual bathrooms for each family member, anything is possible.
We can also create a multi-generational space by remodeling the bathroom to safely and comfortably accommodate people so they can comfortably age-in-place.
Bigger space, a doorless shower, and a soaking tub are just a few of the many ways you can transform your bathroom into a place of serenity and relaxation.
Through modern technology, we can create a truly amazing bathroom experience. From smart showers to smart mirrors and heated floors, there’s a wide range of technological accouterments that will add immense value to your home life.
We can help you make sense of the endless technological possibilities and choose the right ones, such as:
Today’s modern bathrooms have come a long way from their simple utilitarian beginnings. They’re so much more than just a toilet and a sink. It’s now more of an experience where you can light a candle, read a book, grab some wine, and enjoy your own private time away from the hustle and bustle of your daily life.
At May Construction, we can help transform your small or outdated bathroom into a tranquil refuge where you sit back, relax, and unwind in your little slice of heaven. From opening up space to adding new technology, improve the quality of your home life through one of our custom bathroom remodels.
When it comes to reimagining your bathroom, we offer a wide range of features and services.
Discerning clients choose us because they see the value that May Construction brings to the table. Our goal is to make sure that each client is completely satisfied with every aspect of our service, not only the quality of our work but the complete remodeling experience.
May Construction has been helping San Jose homeowners design and remodel their bathrooms for well over 40+ years. We’ve developed a strong reputation and have many repeat clients over the years. Our unique approach to project management and open communication helps eliminate virtually all of the stress that can come with any remodeling project. Contact us today to learn more!